جمعية حماية البيئة في جبل الريحان The Society for the Protection of the Environment in Jabal al-Rihane (SPEJR)
Founded in the Lebanon during 2007, The Society of Jabal Rihane for the Protection of the Environment, is a non-governmental organisation (NGO), which aims to protect the bio-diversity of Jabal Rihane natural reserve. It is a non-profit organisation, approved by the Lebanese Ministry of the Internal Affairs on 27th October 2007, decree 230. The decree was published in the Official Newspaper of the Lebanese Republic on 1st of November 2007, page 7212.
The headquarters of the Society of Jabal Rihane Reserve is based in Mlikh village (Jabal Rihane, south Lebanon.
The Society of Jabal Rihane for the Protection of the Environment is planning many activities outlined in its By-laws. They will be translated from Arabic into English and French during 2018. We would like to invite our Arab-speaking readers to open the text of the By-laws in Arabic in this section of our website.