Bay and Olive soap
Lebanon Nature/ Liban Nature is a Lebanese Company, which aims to produce organic products from the land of Jabal Rihane in South Lebanon, and to sell them locally and internationally. Its main product for the time being is the Bay and Olive soap, which manufactured in accordance with the ancient peasant way in Mlikh (Jabal Rihane).
The Natural and Organic Products of Bay Laurel and Olive Berries:
The Middle Eastern Sun draws together the delicate strength and sweetness of the olive oil and the perfume of the bay laurel berries, to give birth to this soap with its reputed curative properties. We would like to emphasize that in Mlikh, we do not have enough organic natural olive oil to produce our soaps, and so we are obliged to buy more than 60% of olive oil from the Lebanese market, in order to manufacture our unique products. We cannot always guarantee that this source of olive oil is organic, for we do not have the technology to check the market oil, and thus, we simply trust the credibility and honesty of the seller. On the other hand, the bay oil is guaranteed to be a completely natural organic oil from the wild natural reserve of Mlikh, which is still free from any kind of pesticides or chemical products.
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Manufacturing the Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) Oil:
The softness of the pure bay tree oil combined with olive oil from the sun soaked soil of Lebanon, creates a truly unique and rare soap, both ancient and traditional. This soap is homemade in a large copper cauldron placed on a slow and soft wooden fire. It is a natural and organic soap, which does not contain any artificial ingredients or animal fats.
In October/November when they are ripe, the individual bay berries are picked by hand. They are then boiled in water for five hours, resting in it for the next day in order to remove the pips by hand. What then remains is placed in boiling water for another three hours. During this process, the pure oil floats to the top of water. This is gently removed by a spoon and bottled.
Medicinal Action and Use of Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) Oil:
– It is a natural product with antiseptic and antibacterial properties, recommended for treating Eczema and Psoriasis.
– When rubbed on the infected area it soothes cramps and inflamed muscles, and brings pain relief.
– Used as an ear drop the ears it relieves pain.
– The Bay Laurel soap cleanses and nourishes the skin. It has a number of medicinal benefits such as mild bactericidal, anti fungal and anti dandruff properties. It also has healing properties for sprains and bruises.
– The Bay Laurel soap contributes to the healing of rheumatism and arthritis.
– The Bay Laurel soap or oil is used traditionally in the Lebanon as a fragrant perfume.
50% pure olive oil
35% pure bay organic oil
10% purified water
5%, vegetable tar extracts.
Expiry date of the soap: three years.
If you wish to get this product please contact Mr Jean Abouzayd:
Landline: 00961 7 825053
Mobile: 00961 3 345490
Hyssop, also known as Hyssopus officinalis or Hyssopus angustifolius, is an herb native to Jabal Rihane. It is a popular tea in Jabal Rihane, and lots of people brew hyssop in a tea to assist eliminate phlegm, deal with bronchitis or even calm coughs as well as sore throats. Various other therapeutic uses might include enhanced digestion, reduced blood sugar, and it will help reduce intestinal congestion as well as regulate blood pressure too. Hyssop tea may also work to naturally calm nerves. Herbalists recommend hyssop like a natural method for these individuals to manage their high blood sugar or even blood pressure.
Traditional Lebanese Kishik
Under the mid-summer sun, kishk is spread and left to dry on white sheets on the rooftops of Lebanese villages, before it is ground into powder. Kishk, a preserved dairy product made from cracked wheat fermented in milk and yogurt, is prepared in different ways and is used in the cuisines of Iran, Turkey, Mongolia, Transcaucasia and the Levant, namely Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan.
Kishk has been prepared and consumed in Lebanon since the 10th century B.C. Kishk can be prepared using cow, sheep or goat milk; however the kishk found on the market is made with cow milk exclusively as goat milk gives it a strong, acidic taste, which might not be appealing to the wider public.
Traditionally, kishk is prepared with brown wheat bulgur; nevertheless, consumers prefer a light colored, whitish kishk powder. To satisfy their demand, kishk producers use white wheat bulgur instead of the brown one; however, for their house consumption, producers still use the brown wheat bulgur.
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During the first 4 days after soaking bulgur in yogurt, it is rubbed by hand on a daily basis, to make sure that yogurt is fully absorbed by the coarse bulgur grains. Meanwhile, more yogurt is added gradually in order to keep the mixture from drying out. Salt is also added to the mixture to prevent mold formation.
Kishk is then left to ferment for 9 days, after which “green” kishk is obtained, which is consumed fresh like labneh, or conserved in extra virgin olive oil in glass jars. Green kishk is then spread on cloth sheets, on the house’s rooftop to dry under the sun. Every morning, it is rubbed between the palms of the hands to break the kishk mixture into smaller pieces and accelerate the drying process. When fully dry, kishk is sifted then ground into a fine powder to become the kishk mix we know.
Traditionally, rubbing and sifting kishk was considered as a social event when the neighborhood women used to gather on one roof to help each other, an occasion to share stories and anecdotes.
The use of dry kishk differs among Lebanese regions. Kishk can be prepared in different forms such as salads (Wild mint and kishk salad “Meeykeh”); soups (“shorbet Kishk” and “Kishkiyye”); fillings for turnovers or mana’eesh; hot dishes such as kebbeh with kishk (“kebbeh b kishk”), kishk with eggs (“kishk aala bayd”), cabbage with kishk (“malfouf aala kishk”), wheat-flour dough with kishk (maacaroon b kishk), meat raviolis with kishk (“shish barak b kishk”), etc.
Za’atar – Thyme
Za’atar (thyme) is widely used in Jabal Rihane as a herbal tea, for it has some truly impressive health benefits, including its ability to improve the immune system, boost skin health, build strong bones, increase circulation, clear out the respiratory tracts, soothe inflammation, boost energy, improve mood, aid memory, and treat chronic diseases.